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„Man reist nicht um   anzukommen, sondern um zu reisen."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

„Die Welt ist ein Buch. Wer nie reist, sieht nur eine Seite davon."

Augustinus Aurelius


"Egal wie weit der Weg ist, man muss den ersten Schritt tun."

Mao Tse-tung


"Ich glaubte es wäre ein Abenteuer, aber in Wirklichkeit war es das Leben."

Joseph Conrad


"Ein Abschied schmerzt immer, auch wenn man sich schon lange darauf freut."

Arthur Schnitzler


"Zu allem Großen ist der erste Schritt der Mut." 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 


Etwas Mut, ein erster Schritt- und das Unmögliche kann möglich werden.



December, 3 months and Nikolaustag :D

Hey everybody! :D

I think it's time to write something new and updated. Today is, as everybody knows, Saint Nikolaus Day in Germany and I just introduced it to Canada! We put our boots out yesterday evening and today we got all kinds of candy in them. I love it! And I got something from Germany too so thank you so much for that! 

I'm already 3 months in Canada now, that means almost 1/3 of my time is over. It flies so fast and I try to enjoy every bit of it! I still love it here and I'm so excited for Christmas and New Year's. I'm still waiting for snow and I hope that we're going to have a White Christmas, but nothing's sure yet. I love listening to all the Christmas music, bake stuff and just feel "christmassy". My host mum and me went to the Christmas market in Annapolis Royal, too, to sell some soap. We sold a lot and it was so much fun. I met a lot of people there and it was just so much fun selling that and talking to people. We had a great day! :D

There will be some more Christmas events we will attend and on November 30th we were in Digby to see the Christmas tree lighting by Santa Claus. It was cool and we saw some fireworks although it was so cold that day (about -11°C in the evening!), but now it's warm again. We're having an international dinner on Sunday and I'm going curling with a friend tomorrow. Sounds like a fun weekend. I think that's all I can talk about now, soon there'll be Christmas holidays and I can't wait to have a few weeks off from school!

Talk to you later!

Julia <3 

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