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„Man reist nicht um   anzukommen, sondern um zu reisen."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

„Die Welt ist ein Buch. Wer nie reist, sieht nur eine Seite davon."

Augustinus Aurelius


"Egal wie weit der Weg ist, man muss den ersten Schritt tun."

Mao Tse-tung


"Ich glaubte es wäre ein Abenteuer, aber in Wirklichkeit war es das Leben."

Joseph Conrad


"Ein Abschied schmerzt immer, auch wenn man sich schon lange darauf freut."

Arthur Schnitzler


"Zu allem Großen ist der erste Schritt der Mut." 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 


Etwas Mut, ein erster Schritt- und das Unmögliche kann möglich werden.



Christmas Dance :)

Hey guys :)

I have some new things to tell you about again :) There was a formal Christmas dance on Thursday so I went to my Mexican friends house (she is awesome :D) and we were dressing up. You can see a picture here. The dance was so so much fun and we were all dancing like crazy. The funniest part was when the Korean boy was dancing to Gangnam style :D I can't wait until the next dance. On Saturday I was at a basketball tournament at school and our team actually sucks but they won the last game! That was high school spirit! :) Then we went to a Christmas cantata (concert) at a church, my friend and me did, and it was really nice. The church was really modern and they made videos for each song with the lyrics and put them on the wall with an overhead. That was different but cool! Today I was watching a hockey game of our school team again vs Middleton and we won 9:3. It was a lot of fun! :D

That's probably it but now you got a little update :)


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